Support the cause
My name is Mark Abrams. I am just a fellow human being who cares deeply about this world and it's inhabitants. No one asked me to do this. And no one gave me permission.
I am not selling or promoting any products or services. Nor do I have any other self-serving conflicts of interest. Really! I gratefully accept voluntary donations, but that's it.
Since April of 2020, I have pretty much put my life on hold, devoting well over 4000 hours researching, writing, filming, and producing this project. And there is still more to do and more to come.
In addition, I have spent thousands of dollars of my own money on video editing & production, research studies, website/hosting services, image licenses, developer tasks, and other odds and ends.
I have been fortunate to have a roof over my head, food in the fridge, a comfortable bed, and a good support system so that I am able to focus on this work. But, like most people, I don't have a money tree growing in my backyard.
I intend to work tirelessly to help spread the message but need a good bit of help to keep on keeping on.
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**If you send me a crypto gift, I would like to acknowledge you, so please let me know via the contact form, otherwise I won't know who sent it.
**If you would like to send a gift in some other way, please get in touch via the contact form.
Get involved.
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We're just getting started. If you would like to support the project with your time and skills, or otherwise have ideas for collaboration--especially related to reaching more people and spreading the message--please use this form >>
Get to know the project
The primary focus of this project is to try to appeal to the better nature of most reasonable human beings (regardless of politics or ideology), through thoughtful, research-backed, compassionate, above-political discussion, that it is the wrong course for humanity to mandate the jabs, bringing about a tyrannical system of permanent control, loss of medical freedom, and discrimination through digital ID vaccine passports.
I am not anti-vaccination, nor am I attempting to convince anyone not to get the shot. I am strongly opposed to forced vaccination--requiring people to get the jab (or else!)--taking away the most sacred of human freedoms, the right to bodily autonomy, the right to informed consent.
The path we are headed on is an extremely dangerous one--both for the individual and for the collective--which will inevitably lead us into a dark place. No good will come as a result of our current trajectory.
WE MUST PUT AN END TO ALL ATTEMPTS by governments and private industry to make the COVID-19 vaccines mandatory and the issuance of vaccine/immunity passports. There is no societal need for mandatory vaccinations. Doing so would set an extremely dangerous precedent for the entire world. And once it begins, it may never end.
I find it deeply saddening, disturbing, and alarming that many people aren't yet able to see the writing on the wall. I hope this project will serve to shine adequate light on the situation we face, raise important questions, and build the community and momentum needed to help change course.
A second way out of the COVID-19 Nightmare
There is another, far better, way out of the COVID-19 Nightmare that is not fully reliant on vaccines to save the day.
There are evidence-informed actions that we can immediately take to begin to end this pandemic right now that do not require indefinite impingement on our freedoms, decimating entire world economies, causing untold millions to lose their livelihoods and businesses, and all of the adverse mental, emotional, social and financial ripple effects of COVID-19 lockdowns, restrictions, isolation, and now forced vaccination and medial discrimination through vaccine passports.
The solution that will be presented within this project works alongside voluntary vaccination and can end nearly all of the pandemic-related restrictions within a matter of weeks so that life may return to a better normal.
Immediately and significantly reduce the risk of severe COVID-19 disease and death for those who have an active infection. This is something a vaccine will never do.
Significantly ease the burden on strained hospitals and the overall medical system.
Significantly improve our ability to handle all future COVID-19 variants and help prepare the world for future biological threats.
The solution should have already been making headlines and consuming much of the airtime of every news outlet on Earth for many months, and yet it is almost nowhere to be found in the mainstream news.
At this point it seems very clear that the solution will not come from the top down, from our trusted public health agencies. It will only come from the people. It will have to come from you, from me, from us. It is going to take an army, at least tens of millions of us to stand up and speak up.
This really is the defining moment for the future of humanity. We are all in this together, and the time is now to choose the kind of world that we want to live in going forward, for the rest of our lives, for ourselves, for our children, our grandchildren, and all future generations.
And there is almost no time left to make that choice.
You may help spread the message.
Copyright © 2021. Mark Abrams All rights reserved.