way out
of the COVID-19
Key 2 - Supporting Videos
Key 2:
Make IVERMECTIN part of the global standard of care for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
> Findings from over 50 studies worldwide show that ivermectin has a high level of effectiveness in ALL stages of COVID-19—prophylaxis/prevention, early treatment, and late treatment. [203]
> Multiple meta-analyses show that ivermectin is at least 85% effective in preventing COVID-19 infection when taken prophylactically. [203] [205]
> Inhibits SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) replication and binding to human cells via several observed and proposed mechanisms [197] [198]
Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
Dr. Kory, representing the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), testifies to a Senate panel about ivermectin | Dec 8, 2020
0:01 - Dr. Kory defends himself against false accusations
Feb 5, 2020 written response from the FLCCC Alliance regarding YouTube's censoring and removal of this sworn testimony -->>
1 hr. 23 min.
Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
The Efficacy of Ivermectin Against COVID-- Webinar
00:01 - Opening comments by Jeff Hanson, moderator/host
03:30 - Opening comments by Dr. Pierre Kory
44 min.
Andrew Hill, PhD
Meta-analysis of ivermectin in COVID-19
0:01 - Opening comments and background of Dr. Hill
1:15 - Discussion of repurposing drugs for COVID-19, and a summary of the progress made to date
26 min.
Whiteboard Doctor Medical Education
In-depth expert discussion of widespread ivermectin distribution in Peru
0:45 - Intro to the study: "Sharp reduction in COVID-19 case fatalities and excess deaths in Peru in close time conjunction, state-by-state, with ivermectin treatments"
25 min.
Mobeen Syed, MD
Updated: Ivermectin Mechanism of Action
3:15 - Discussion of the mechanisms of action of Ivermectin--antiviral and anti-inflammatory affects. against RNA viruses, specifically COVID-19
- Donate & Support -
This project is a grassroots effort. It is offered as a gift to the world and is fully supported by donations.
Since April 2020, I have devoted over 3500 hours researching, writing, and producing this project. And there is still more to do. In addition, I have spent hundreds of dollars of my own money on research studies, images, and small developer tasks.
I intend to work tirelessly to spread the message but need a good bit of support in order to keep on keeping on. I have no assistants or interns.
Even the smallest contribution helps to support this effort, and is greatly appreciated.
Send a quick PayPal contribution to support@mark.love
Credit or debit card: https://paypal.me/dvarata
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Contribute time, skills & ideas
If you would like to support the project with your time and skills, or have ideas to share, please get in touch with this contact form >>
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CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication